Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Life!! are you also wondering?

everyone has problems in this world
here and there
is it a good thing to choose your problems
considering their inevitability
is it a good thing to let them come to you
modern education would call it managed problems
old school would call it destiny
all in all it sounds like a big equation with varying answers
we always strive to be good in a way or the other
can we ever strife to be bad in a particular way that way we would have
our entire share of bad...
considering their inevitability
things are good because some other things are bad
people are happy because some others are poor
some are rich because many are poor
a work of balance
yet volatile
seeming so undefined
but perfectly made
I saw somewhere
in a place many have been
but a place many have not seen
that me and you were not meant to understand
no matter how hard...
the answer we cannot have
but yet i ask
can i compose this in a good mood
will i conduct this on a glumly day
life!! I stopped wondering a long time ago

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