Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Life!! are you also wondering?

everyone has problems in this world
here and there
is it a good thing to choose your problems
considering their inevitability
is it a good thing to let them come to you
modern education would call it managed problems
old school would call it destiny
all in all it sounds like a big equation with varying answers
we always strive to be good in a way or the other
can we ever strife to be bad in a particular way that way we would have
our entire share of bad...
considering their inevitability
things are good because some other things are bad
people are happy because some others are poor
some are rich because many are poor
a work of balance
yet volatile
seeming so undefined
but perfectly made
I saw somewhere
in a place many have been
but a place many have not seen
that me and you were not meant to understand
no matter how hard...
the answer we cannot have
but yet i ask
can i compose this in a good mood
will i conduct this on a glumly day
life!! I stopped wondering a long time ago

Saturday, July 25, 2009

the way we are

why do we try to share what we cannot
why do we try to keep what we cannot

many times we try to share our mind
we try to express our inner selves
the one thing we cannot truly literally share

many times we try to keep things
the most precious ones...(our lives, our wives)
one of the many things that would be shared

we are to make joy in sharing
why cant we make joy in the things we can do
and not, in the things we cant....

lol....why are we human....i ask lol

Friday, March 13, 2009


When WIll, conquers Desire

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Note to a stranger

describe me you ask...

Who are you?
...one i do not know
one that i do know
images with a dawn of beauty reflecting without a voice
without a tone to the uniqeness
expressiveness with out boundries
simplicity with bliss
atitude lacking warning
a person,
a person, you know
a person, with am impression of grace
a person, presenting mystery as a beauty
yet a person you do not know
but how will i know
how will i describe
how will i describe a stranger
how will i describe my stranger

Note to my stranger
a stranger for years

(with a big smile
now i know
...am back)

Still... finding my way

These world has seeds
& like seeds some grow
......................some dont
......................some do well
again .............some dont
atimes you have to watch
atimes you have to help
help...to create
...........to destroy

i see seeds
i foretell
but still i cant tell

Finding my way

if you creep in my head
you will be a different person

If you you work in my mind
you will see a different place

understanding is not enough
the drift is not constant

am back...

Friday, January 02, 2009

What a state!

aint life a *&^%$%

How can one state of mind hold such descriptions
Funny that there is no confusion
This is ... Sadness

without meaning
without inspiration
without focus